Valentine's Day is approaching and so I asked myself a question: do I really feel compelled to give, and receive something from my husband just because it is deemed a romantic holiday, not to mention the gross commercialism of the whole thing??? One part of me rejects the whole notion of a day where people give each other gifts of love because they are supposed to, or they feel it will right all the wrongs between them. However, the other part of me says yes, while St Valentine's day could be considered cliche and commercial, it still remains the day that you can declare your love and offer a token of that love to your special person. It may even give a person the courage to tell someone how they feel about them for the very first time or the day that you get an anonymous card in the mail (or slipped under your door), full of undying passionate words of how they feel about you.
So here's to Pope
Galasius 1 who in 496AD declared that February 14
th would be traditionally the day on which lovers express their love for each other!
And with that, here are some ideas of gifts to think about,

Shawn Ireland wood-fired candlestick
(romantic dinner for two?)

Ring by MADE (obvious romantic symbol of love)

Love Kitty - Japanese Card

Sake Set for Two